Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Good Gifts From Above

I really do think God sometimes sits in heaven rubbing his hands together in glee when he knows he’s sending something our way that will overwhelm us with joy. Just like us, I bet he can’t wait to see our faces when he grants us the thing we want most; and just like us I imagine he is beyond hurt when we don’t acknowledge were the gift came from.

I love giving gifts to my parents and siblings when I know exactly what they want. Holding onto the gift until I can give it to them is almost unbearable and my excitement knows no bounds when I can finally give it to them. I imagine God is the same way when he gives us gifts. He knows the deepest desires of our hearts and he loves to give us good gifts. Psalm 84:11b says, “No good thing does he withhold from those who walk is blameless.” That doesn’t mean he’ll give us everything we want, because sometimes the thing we think is good isn’t the best for us. Sometimes withholding the good is the best thing for us.

Now imagine giving the best gift ever to someone you love and have them thank someone else for the gift. How would you feel? Awful? Angry? Hurt? I imagine all of those things would run through you, and yet we do it to God so many times. He gives us good gifts and we never stop to acknowledge were it came from or thank the one who gave it.

Recently, I had someone share that she keeps a Prayer Answered journal. She started when she was fourteen and has kept up with it since then. Her idea has inspired me to do the same. I think it’s a wonderful idea to keep a record of all the times God has worked good in our lives.  Although some days I’d probably fill page after page with all the prayers he answers. Things like God healing my car after I prayed over it or giving me more day shifts at work when I asked him for them. Then there are the prayers he answers day after day; like keeping me safe on the roads when I travel home from work late at night or in terrible weather. Or granting me patience at work when I feel I have none left. God is constantly granting my prayers and I’d have to fill a room full of journals to just to keep up with his goodness.

No matter where you’re at in your relationship with God I encourage you to keep a Prayer Answered journal. It may not seem like God is doing much in your life, but I bet if you started keeping track and looking for the answered prayers you’d begin to see God works far beyond what we always see. It’s amazing to see how he answers the asked prayers and the unasked prayers. 

The journal would also be great reminder of God’s goodness when things seem to be going wrong or falling down around us. A reminder that even though the horizon seems dark God still works good.

“And we know that in all things God works
                for the good of those who love him,
          who have been called
            according to his purpose.”
         -Romans 8:28

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

When Lies Become the Truth

I just heard on the radio that 63% of Christian singles on Mingle.com and similar dating sites say they'd have sex before marriage. It breaks my heart that so many young people don't see anything wrong with that. I think what hurts the most is knowledge that a living breathing relationship with God is missing from so many young people's lives.

I also realize, however, that we, as Christians, are often deceived and tempted into sin. Just because in the past you slept with someone outside of marriage doesn't mean you don't have a real relationship with God. It's when you enter into the dating scene believing from the start that it’s okay to have premarital sex that something vital is missing from your relationship with God. And it's that fact that hurts that most. 

When the Lord's presence is real and at work in your life you know when you're living in disobedience. You know because he won't leave you alone. He brings people and things into your life to show you. There's a shadow that seems to hover over your heart and never goes away, at least not until you acknowledge your sin and start to change.

I originally started writing about my experiences as young single Christian woman for reasons just like this. I wanted others to know and experience the joys of a relationship with a Savior who died to know them. Yes, it can be hard at times, but no other relationship even comes close to the one found in Jesus. When I hear stories and statistics like this one my heart breaks because there are so many "Christians" out there who are obviously lacking that relationship.

How have we come so far from the truth? When did we start substituting lies for truth? When did we let what the world tells us become our basis for moral living rather that what God tells us? I wish I could put into words the hurt I feel at lack of a living relationship with God so many people have in their lives, especially when I know the joys of being in God's presence, but words tend to fall so short.

I didn't write this today to judge anyone or make anyone feel bad, because I am the last person to judge, but only because I wish so much more for our culture.