For those who don’t understand the life Jesus offers, what
does this mean? What is this life? Nicodemus (a learned scholar) asked Jesus
the same question in John 3. Jesus had just finished telling him that no one
could see heaven until they were born again. This confused Nicodemus. He couldn’t
understand how someone could be born again when they were old. I’m sure he stared at Jesus with confusion
written all over his face as he voiced his next question, “How can someone who
is old be born again? Can they enter their mother’s womb a second time?” But
Jesus wasn’t talking about a physical birth—he was talking about a spiritual
birth, A birth we need because we're dying of sin. All of us are dying in the physical sense. We’re all slowly aging and
some day we will breathe our last. None of us can escape that reality, but the
Bible isn’t talking about our physical death. Instead it is referring to the fate of our
What does this mean? How are we dying from sin? The Bible
says “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).” It also says, “That the
wages of sin is death (eternal death), but the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans
6:23).” Many of us think that we are basically good; that we’ve never done
anything bad enough for God to punish us for, but that’s not the case. As soon
as we told our very first white lie, disobeyed our parents, or failed to return
something we had borrowed our souls were sentenced to everlasting punishment in
God is a pure and holy God which means he can’t live with
sin. There was once a time when men and women were without sin, but they were
given free will and they chose to disobey God. In that instant they cursed the
human race with a disease called “sin.” From the moment we take our first
breath to the moment we take our last we are condemned to the punishment sin
has placed upon us—separation from God and an eternity in hell.
But that isn’t the end of the story. God loves us so much
that he gave us his only son to come down to earth as a man and die in our
place. The amazing wonder of this act still astounds me; that an almighty God
loves us enough to die in our place. It wasn’t an easy death either. He was
beaten, tortured, and ridiculed. They whipped him (probably with a whip that
had glass pieces on the ends), placed long thorns twisted into a crown upon his
head, made him carry his own cross through town, nailed him to the very same
cross, broke his legs, and shoved a spear through his side.
Dying on a cross is not a pleasant death. They take 3 inch
long nails and pound them through your wrists and feet. Then they hoist you
into the air to hang by them. Death isn’t caused by the nails but rather by
suffocation. Once you are no longer able to hold yourself up you slowly
suffocate. With your arms above your head it is impossible to draw enough air
in after a while. I was once told that the pain of having those nails pounded
into your wrists would be 10 times worse than hitting your funny bone.

Where we will go when we die is up to each one of us
individually. It’s not up to our grandparents, our parents, or our siblings. It
is a personal decision each one of us must make on our own. So where will you
go—heaven or hell? Without Jesus there is no hope of eternal life in heaven.
So the question is what must we do to be saved? Acts 16:31 states, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will
be saved.” Jesus is the hope we all need--the One who brings life to our dying
souls. Jeremiah 29:12-14 says, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to
me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me
with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.”
Jesus is calling your name today. He is calling you to
himself, begging you to notice him and his all-encompassing love and
compassion. If you can feel him calling you today and would like to answer, all
it takes is for you acknowledging that he is God, that you are a sinner, and
that you need his saving grace. Please listen to his call. He loves you so very
much and he wants nothing more than to enfold you in his loving arms.
If you accepted him today I beg you to find a fellow
Christ-follower and/or church. Choosing to follow him is just the first step. Just
as young children need guidance and support so to do we.
I would love to hear from any of you, whether you made a
decision today or not. Maybe you have questions or just need someone to talk
to. Either way I’m here to help or listen. If you would like to contact me my
e-mail is If you
send me message please title it “Relentlessly Pursued” so I know it’s from you.
I would feel horrible if I accidently deleted a message from someone thinking it
was junk mail.
On a closing note I just want to let you know that once we’ve
asked Jesus for forgiveness and invited him into our lives all our sins are
forgiven and forgotten, but that doesn’t mean the scars from the past are gone.
We may still be broken and hurting but Jesus will walk with us through the pain
as we begin the healing process. Sometimes he sends people into our lives to
walk with us through the pain and sometimes he tells us his grace is
sufficient, but either way he won’t leave you alone to walk unaided.
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