“God said to him, ‘Abraham!’”
“’Here I am,’ he replied”
“Then God said, “Take your son, your only
son, Isaac, whom you love… and sacrifice him as a burnt offering…”
“’Here I am,’ he replied”
“Then God said, “Take your son, your only
son, Isaac, whom you love… and sacrifice him as a burnt offering…”
-Genesis 22:1-2
Last August I walked down a pine
needle strewn path while my heart slowly broke. The summer sun filtered through
the trees warming my skin and yet I had never felt so cold. How could God, the
God I knew and loved, ask something so hard, so heartbreaking that it would be
the end of my life as I knew it? Yes, he’d often asked things of me I didn’t
want to give, but this time he was asking for something so integral to who I
was, giving it up would forever alter the path of my life.
It was the dying of a dream, so
real, so close to my heart, that giving in to him felt like ripping a part of
my soul out. I begged him not to ask it of me. That he leave my heart intact
because the pain was more than I could bear.
God is nothing but a relentless
God, however, so the tears flowed and the pain lanced through me as he asked me
once again to relinquish my plans of getting married and having a family. I’d
held this dream since the time I was small. There was nothing I’d wanted more. When
people would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up I’d give them various
answers, but inside, I always knew what I really wanted to be, a wife and a
mother. Nothing else appealed to me, so much so, I almost didn’t go to college.
When I finally did go, I only went for two years because I was sure during those
years God would send my spouse along. When he didn’t show in college I kept the
flame of hope alive year after year because there was nothing in this world I
wanted more. I never planned ahead too much because I was always waiting for
him to appear so I could map my life to his.
Then, on a summer day in August, he
asked me give it all up. To think about being thirty-four and single (don’t ask
me why that age, I have no idea). The thought sent me into tears. I didn’t want
to be alone. I wanted a husband and children. Why was that so horrible?
Two weeks went by where he’d ask me
to give up my dream and I’d walk the pine strewn path fighting him and tears. One
night, while at work, I asked a woman for her birthday. When I saw she was
thirty-four and either dating or married, I almost broke down in tears. Every
time I considered being thirty-something and single I cried. I was okay being
single for the moment, but the thought of always being single was more than I
could handle.
During one of our walks God brought
up Abraham and Isaac. God was asking me for the hardest thing I’d ever given
and yet he’d asked something so terrible, so horrific, of Abraham that my pain
paled in comparison.
Despite the terrible request Abraham
obeyed. He packed up Isaac, two servants, waved good-bye to Sarah and headed
for the mountain all without saying a word to anyone. Nowhere in the text does
it even hint Abraham argued with God.
Abraham obeyed but I find it hard
to believe he didn’t beg God, his heart, to change his mind all the way to
Moriah; however, God didn’t relent and so Abraham walked Isaac to the top of
the mountain, bound him, and prepared to kill his beloved son. As Abraham took
the knife to slay his son God stopped him and saved Isaac. God had asked for
the one thing Abraham loved above all else because he wanted to know if
Abrahams faithfulness and obedience to God was greater than his love for his
Isaac was Abraham’s dream. Long
after Abraham had given up on having a son, God worked a miracle so Sarah could
bear a son. From this son God promised a nation would be born more numerous
than the stars. Abraham was elated. Here at last was the fulfillment of his
lifelong dream and God’s promise. The future was bright with possibilities. Then,
on that fateful night, years later, God asked for the dream back. He asked for
everything Abraham ever wanted. He asked for Isaac. (I wrote a recount of his
journey, in my words, here)
Could I give up my Isaac? The one
dream I’d held onto longer than anything else? Just as there wasn’t anything
wrong with Abraham’s love for his son there was nothing wrong with my dream.
There was nothing sinful in wanting to get married and have kids, but my
refusal to give into God was.
Over and over God asked if I was
willing to give up my own personal Isaac. Over and over he reminded of Abraham’s
obedience. And over and over he asked me to submit.
Two weeks went by with us silently
battling it out. I desperately wanted to obey and live out God’s will in my
life. I knew his way was better than mine, but I also desperately wanted my dream. I didn’t want to be old and
alone (not saying thirty-four was old, I was thinking more like sixty and
alone). It was everything to me and I wanted it so very, very badly. It felt as
though God was regulating me to the bench to watch the rest of the world play when
all I wanted to do was join the game.
Could I give up the one dream that
I had held onto through everything? Could I be content living my life apart
living for his love, his will, and his plan? Was I willing to trust his will
was better than my own; that his plan for my life was greater than my own
dreams, hopes, and desires?
A part of me wanted to obey, was
even excited to obey because I knew his plan for my life was greater than
anything I could’ve ever dreamed up, but another part resisted giving up the
one thing I’d always wanted.
I had come to a crossroads, I could
give up my dream and follow God’s unknowable plan for my life or I could cling
to my plans rejecting the path God wanted for me. As I wrestled with God I realized
I didn’t want my plans anywhere near as much as I longed for the adventure God
had set before me. I knew where my plans where headed, inescapable longing for
a dream that may never materialize and desire for something more than the love
of a good man. I had no idea where God’s plan would lead me but I knew one
thing with clarity, with his plan all my dreams would be filled. They may not
be the ones I hold now, but the desires of my heart, the ones God placed there,
would be filled beyond my wildest imagination.
I’m not saying the earthly dreams I
hold now or even those I hold in the future will be filled, what I am saying is
the nearer I walk with God the more his desires will become my desires. “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your
heart.” Psalm 37:4. If I am truly living for God in
every aspect of my life than my heart will naturally begin to long for the
things that please God. My focus will no longer be on the things of this world
but on the things above. His ways will become my ways and his desires my
It’s been almost a year since I
walked that pine needle strewn path and it’s been one amazing year. Has God
brought a guy into my life? Not even close. Instead, he’s brought himself into
my life and I’m amazed by the work he has wrought within my heart.
Do I have days where I still long
to be wanted by a guy; to be married and raising kids? Oh yes I do! But the
craving has diminished. If God should bring these blessings into my life I
would be excited, but my fear of being single is slowly fading.
There are days where I still struggle
with giving up my dream of marriage. Days where I feel the longing for marriage
and a family keenly. Despite these days, however, I rest in the knowledge of
knowing, should God choose not to bless me in such a way, I will be fine all
because I know he has a plan and purpose for me.
Recently, I read Get Lost by Dannah Gresh. In it she
encourages young women to give 10 days to God. 10 days without guys, whether
you’re married, dating, or single. 10 days where it’s just you and God growing
in relationship.
I jumped at the challenge because I
wanted to give more of myself to God. My soul was thirsty and I wanted to soak
in his presence. I loved the words Gresh shared and I could feel God at work in
my heart. I spent close to an hour every morning praying and reading my bible
and Get Lost. On day three of the
challenge, instead of the original 10 days, God asked me for six months. Six
months where I would give up boys (even if one did come along). Six months
where it would just be God and I getting to know each other better and letting
our relationship grow. The thought of living six months wholly inside his
presence thrilled me. I was so excited about the growth he would work in me I
barely had to think about giving it over to him. My soul was thirsty and it
drank in the thought of six glorious months in his presence. Then day eight
On day eight God asked for a year.
A year of him and me exclusively. A year, where if a guy should miraculously
show up in my life, I would have to give him up. Six months I was fine with, but I year I
wasn’t so sure about. I was mere weeks away from being 27 and what if “the one”
should show up during that year? I wasn’t getting any younger and I could just
feel my child-bearing years swiftly falling away. Could I really give up the
one chance I might have at a relationship? The doubts and worries crowded my
mind, but the work God began in my life last August softened my heart towards
his will.
I was reminded my life is not my
own. I wasn’t sent here to live out my wills and desires. I was created
to live out my life for the work of my Savior and if the whole of my life was
meant for him what was one year of it? Every year, every moment of my life,
should be lived in such a way that I am living and breathing his will. When I
compared a year of my life, a year that should be his anyway, to the whole my
life it was relatively easy to give him what he asked.
It’s been four months since I gave
in to his leading and it’s amazing how much my relationship with him has grown
in this short amount of time. I cannot begin to tell you the excitement I carry
inside when I think about what a year alone in his presence will do in my heart
and life.
Now the prayer I wake up with every
morning is that I sink so fully into his heartbeat I lose all that I am in him,
that I lose myself so fully in him I never find my way out.
My challenge to anyone reading this
is to set aside designated time for God. Not just the single ladies either, but
those married or dating as well. I pray that God works within each of your hearts
to set apart time for him, whether that time be a week, 10 days, a month, or a
year. Maybe you’ll start with a week and find God is asking for more. Whatever it
may be I pray you have heart willing and ready to be molded by him. That you
become ever more like him every moment of every day.