Friday, August 24, 2012


Hello all! :D

I know it's been awhile since I posted something and I wanted to give a brief update as to why. My goal this summer was to post something every week if not every two weeks but as you can see that didn't happen! Life manages to get away from me and before I know it weeks have gone by!

I currently have about 12 different ideas (if not more) floating through my head, which, if you can believe it, is actually a hindrance to actually getting anything written! I can never decide which one I want to work on next! Aside from that I am also working on a large project that I don't want to post until I have it better organized and more of it written.

So to make a long story short it may be sometime before I post again. Of course a burst of inspiration might hit and I'll suddenly have something new to post but I'm not holding my breath! ;)

I'm also hoping to revamp the outlay of my blog and add a few more parts to it, but along with having too many idea's swirling through my head I am also moving, working two jobs, and training at work for a new system. So at present I've decided to put it on hold.

I hope you've all had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to the coming fall! It's one of my favorite times of the year and I have to admit I'm looking forward to colorful leaves, cups of tea, hot soups, and afternoons cuddled up with a good book or idea to write about!
